Friday, May 31, 2019
Heroism in Lord Jim Essays -- Conrad Lord Jim Essays
Heroism in Lord Jim In the heartfelt novel, Lord Jim, Joseph Conrad explores the concept of heroism through the subscribe and emotions of Jim, a man who spends his life attempting to seek penance for an act of cowardice he committed as a young officer during the shipwreck of the Patna in the East. Through the eyes of the narrator, Marlowe, the reader sees Jims internal struggle to repent for his sin as he jumps from job to job trying to escape his ominous legacy, last landing in the dangerous and isolated community in a native state, Patusan. There he lives contentedly detached and hidden from the Patna until civilization reenters his bean plant in the form of an evil man, Brown --unveiling Jims repressed and remote secret by hitting his guilty conscience -- causing Jims long awaited ominous fated death, yet, ending his life with a trace of heroism. Throughout the novel, Jim internally aspires toward the significant and frequently occurring image, courage. From the very beginni ng he sees himself saving people from sink ships . . . an example of devotion to duty, and as unflinching as a hero in a book (3). His thoughts would be full of valorous deeds He loved these dreams and the success of his imaginary achievements. They had a gorgeous virility, the charm of vagueness, they passed before him with a heroic tread . . . (12). Despite this heroic desire, while on the Patna, Jim and pentad others ironically betray the savage men who were surrendered to the wisdom of white men and to their courage(10) when they abandon the sinking ship to insure their own safety. Conrad explains this action to be human, a natural response, something any person would have done in his situation. When Marlowe first encounter... ...le of hardyry. After two years, Marlowe visits the Patusan and meets, or rather upsets, Jim and his companions. Marlowe says that they know him to be strong, true, wise, brave . . . he was all that . . . he was more . . . he was great -- invincible -- and the world did not want him, it had forgotten him, it would not even know him (206). When Jim encounters Brown, a man not afraid of death (230), he convinces his friends that Brown is no harm to them because thats what Jim truly believes. Unfortunately, advised and guided by the sneaking Cornelius, Brown had plans to fill out the Malays under Dain Waris, Doramins son. After Dain Waris was killed, Jim understood. He had retreated from one world, for a matter of an impulsive jump, and now the other, the work of his own hands, had fallen in ruins upon his head (265). The Malays depart never trust Jim again.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
White-Collar Crime Essay -- Crime
Businesses are vulnerable to a variety of internal and external crime that affects an organizations performance. White-collar crime is a problem affecting businesses in the U.S. and around the world, costing billions of dollars in lost revenue every year. This paper will light upon the types of employee crimes focusing on stealing and the perpetrators examine the usurpation to businesses and explore how business can deal with these offenses. Mr. Smith places some extra highlighters and colored paper in his briefcase from the offices supply closet for young Billy to use on his school project. Joanne has returned to her desk a 15 minutes late from her lunch buck and is now surfing the web for airfare while on the phone long distance with her ailing grandmother to discuss plans to see her next month. Leonard supplements his hourly betroth from working nights at the gas station by sneaking a couple scratch-off lottery tickets off the roll when the owner isnt around. Mrs. Sara Swindle has been defrauding articulation members by diverting dues for her own use. Some of these examples may not necessarily be prosecuted or even discovered but nonetheless are examples of employee theft or white-collar crime. Businesses face a myriad of internal threats for their success the focus for this paper is theft including theft of cash, inventory and equipment. Other types of employee crime overwhelm writing company checks, money laundering, processing fraudulent invoices, payroll fraud, falsifying revenue reports, customer identity theft, intellectual property theft, overstated expense reports and belief card fraud (Bressler, 2011). Long before credit card fraud and identity theft, business owners dealt with theft. There is a no more clear exampl... ...activity and its impact on business. The Entrepreneurial Executive, 16, 49-61. Retrieved from http//, D. F., Hornsby, J. S., Naffziger , D. W., & Hodgetts, R. M. (2000). Crime and Small Business An Exploratory Study of Cost and Prevention Issues in U.S. Firms. Journal Of Small Business Management, 38(3), 1-13. Retrieved from http// Larson, E. (1985, January 14). Crooks tool Computers turn out to be valuable aid in employee crime --- machines facilitate stealing, extortion and sabotage west coasts robin hood --- you dont trust anybody. The wall Street Journal, p. 1. Retrieved from http//
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Code Switching in Language Acquisition Essay -- English Language Essay
Code Switching in Language AcquisitionThe acquisition of English as a non-native voice communication proves quite problematic for some individuals. Because English was bursted using modifications and borrowed rowing from scores of fundamentally different languages, it would seem to be a language which most peoples of the world could easily acquire. There should always be something about the language and structure that reflects an individuals native tongue whether it be phonology, syntax, or semantics. However, the very fact that English incorporates an international lexicon with the respective varied syntactical applications makes English a fairly difficult language to acquire. Research by Cummins (1987) focuses on the length of quantify needed to acquire English. To achieve the Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) level, a learner must study English from one to both years. However, to acquire the higher Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP), it take s five to seven years. In the acquisition of English, a normal linguistic behavior is the embedding of words or phrases from the native language into spoken English. This is called code switching. Baker (1993) lists 10 purposes for code switches (1) to emphasize a point, (2) because a word is unknown in one of the languages, (3) for ease and efficiency of expression, (4) as a repetition to clarify, (5) to express group identity and status and/or to be accepted by a group, (6) to inverted comma someone, (7) to interject in a conversation, (8) to exclude someone, (9) to cross social or ethnic boundaries, and (10) to ease tension in a conversation (Diaz-Rico & Weed, 2002). It is my opinion that the frequency of the use of code switching as well as the purposes for... the changing form of the English language over time. As new cultures and languages converged through the millennia to develop into the English with which we are familiar today, how much impact did code switchin g have on the eventual integration of words from other sources? How much time and how large a population of different languages would be needed to veer a lexicon? In how short a time could such a change occur? The opportunity to ponder these questions might not have occurred without the benefit of having taken this course, History of the English Language. Works CitedCummins, J. (1979). Linguistic interdependence and the educational instruction of bilingual children. Review of Educational Research, 49 (2), 222-251.Diaz-Rico, L. T. & Weed, K. Z. (2002). The cross-cultural, language, and academic development handbook. Boston Allyn & Bacon.
Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues - Same-sex Marriage Laws Violate Gay R
Laws Violate Gay Rights When I was in third grade, I learned that there are certain inalienable rights-- the right to life, liberty and the stake of happiness -- all of which the United States government is committed to protecting for every human. Last week, I learned this government feels that these human rights are limited to several(prenominal) people, based on how they choose to practice sex. In two separate legislations last week, the United States Senate sanctioned discrimination against homosexual Americans. The issue recently surfaced in Hawaii when the state denied marriage privileges to a lesbian couple. In May 1993, the State Supreme Court rulight-emitting diode in a 3-1 decision that the states ejection of same-sex marriage was sexual discrimination and thus unconstitutional unless there was compelling evidence for it. In 1995, a governors commission recommended the state grant marital rights to homosexuals. The full(a) faith and credit clause of the U.S. Constitution says that states must accord reciprocity to laws (and contracts) of other states. Thus a couple could get married in Hawaii, track down to another state and demand that the state recognize their marriage contract unless laws in the new state conflict directly with laws in the former state. This led the House to pass the Defense of Marriage Act (DoMA) this July with the Senate concurring on Sept. 10. Social Security, Veter-ans and other federal benefits such as married tax locating will simply be denied to Americans who do not conform to a sexual pattern preferred by others in society. I dont know where in the Constitution telling is permitted to legislate the morality that a man must marry a woman. Furthermore, DoMA permits states to... ... other may make some people uncomfortable. nevertheless their union does not infringe on anyone elses life, liberty or pursuit of happiness, and they get to a claim to pursue their human rights and marry each oth er. What has Congress to gain by passing this restrictive law? It is only election-year politics to woo the radical right. The United States government is unfairly discriminating against a deal out of the United States population and we should not stand for this public gay bashing. Discrimination is still legal because the measure failed 50-49. Senator Pryor (D-Ark.) was attending his sons cancer surgery otherwise, he would have supported the bill. Vice President Al Gore had promised to break the tie in support of the bill, but the motion failed. Now it is legally OK to not hire someone based on his or her sexual preference.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Industrial Efficiency :: essays papers
Industrial Efficiency This article, in the Journal of Economic History, Asher explains the differences in skill amongst the American and British textile industries. This has been a highly debated topic with many economists weighing in. In Ashers analysis, he uses a very empirical approach, alternatively then trying to explain differences in data with a sociological approach as other economists have.Asher begins by explaining the leading theory in manufacturing efficiency that Rothbarth and Habakkuk developed. Their main explanation for differences is the population disparities between the deuce countries. In England, thither was a labor surplus, while in America, there was a labor scarceness. This scarcity forced American entrepreneurs to implement extremely efficient production methods. While this may be a plausible explanation, Asher maintains that it lacks rigorous formulation and testing.In response, Asher develops a model, using a production function with constant elast icity of substitution. Within the model, he tries to factor for bias in technical change. Tests were run to determine two different explanations (a) labor-saving bias was used in America and capital-saving bias was used in Britain or (b) there was labor-saving bias in both countries, but there was more technical progress in America.The test indicates that there is a labor saving bias in both countries. This was the expected outcome that follows the Rothbarth-Habakkuk theory. However, in an unexpected outcome, it appears that the test maintains a capital-saving bias in Britain, as well. This is a combination of the two anticipated outcomes and seems to be opposite of the Rothbarth-Habakkuk theory.This article highlights the technical changes examined in the reading in Chapter 17 of the W&R textbook. While the textbook concentrates on the mass production of goods such as steel, it was interesting to read astir(predicate) a good that individual members of society buy daily textiles. I think it
Industrial Efficiency :: essays papers
Industrial Efficiency This article, in the Journal of Economic History, Asher explains the differences in faculty between the American and British textile industries. This has been a highly debated topic with many economists weighing in. In Ashers analysis, he uses a very falsifiable approach, rather then trying to explain differences in data with a sociological approach as other economists have.Asher begins by explaining the leading theory in manufacturing efficiency that Rothbarth and Habakkuk developed. Their main explanation for differences is the population disparities between the two countries. In England, there was a persistence surplus, while in America, there was a labor scarcity. This scarcity forced American entrepreneurs to implement extremely efficient production methods. While this may be a plausible explanation, Asher maintains that it lacks rigorous formulation and testing.In response, Asher develops a model, using a production function with constant elasticit y of substitution. Within the model, he tries to factor for bias in technological change. Tests were run to sink two different explanations (a) labor-saving bias was used in America and capital-saving bias was used in Britain or (b) there was labor-saving bias in both countries, just there was more technical progress in America.The test indicates that there is a labor saving bias in both countries. This was the expected final result that follows the Rothbarth-Habakkuk theory. However, in an unexpected outcome, it appears that the test maintains a capital-saving bias in Britain, as well. This is a combination of the two anticipated outcomes and seems to be opposite of the Rothbarth-Habakkuk theory.This article highlights the technical changes examined in the ascertaining in Chapter 17 of the W&R textbook. While the textbook concentrates on the mass production of goods such as steel, it was interesting to read about a good that individual members of society buy daily textiles. I think it
Monday, May 27, 2019
Wealth and Power in the United States
Wealth and Power in the United States Hugo Lindgren Chief Editor New York Time Magazine emailprotected com This letter is to inform the public of how social strain division is related to the concentration of riches in the United States and support the need to redistribute wealthiness in America. Today our communities argon split by social tell apart poor citizens live in poor areas of the community while citizens who make more money live in better areas of the community. friendly class determines a great deal virtually citizens circumstances.Circumstances like education, health care, shelter, food and clothing. Generally the wealthiest or privileged citizens only associate themselves with other citizens who are in the same social class. The same concept comes into play with the affectionateness, working and poor class. Today the top 1 percent is increasing in wealth while the middle and working class are decreasing. This inequality of wealth in America is becoming more and mo re of a problem for the middle and working class. Wealth is the positive value of what a citizen owns. For ex vitamin Ale if a citizen owns a house the bank ay own half of the house until the loan is pay off but whatever the value is of the other half is how oft wealth the citizen has from the house. Redistribution of wealth is raising taxes on citizens that have already made it to go away relief for the ones who havent. The Class theories best describes the distribution of wealth because it breaks down how the wealth is broken up amongst citizens of the United States. The rich have done much better than the middle or working class. The Top 1 percent had 22. 9 percent of national income in 2006 a number that hasnt been matched since 1929 verbalize CBS News Jeff Green inAmericas Class Warfare. While a citizen from the top 1 percent has already achieved success, wealth and power. The middle and working class has not and with a constant increase in cash flow for the wealthy and a c onstant decrease in cash flow for the less prosperous come a concern for those in public office. President Obama proposes lowering taxes for the less fortunate and a small increase for the citizens who have achieved success with wealth and power. However, other Officials have opposed President Obamas tone-beginning to redistributing wealth.Mitt Romney stated I think its about envy, I think its about class warfare When you have a president encouraging the idea of dividing America based on 99 percent vs. 1 percent those sight who have been most self-made will be in the 1 percent youve opened up a whole new wave of approach to this country which is entirely inconsistent with concept of one nation under god. President Obama insists that by helping others will spread the wealth by having the rich pay a little more taxes so the middle class receive a tax credit because the middle class inescapably it most (Obama, 08).President Obama stated I believe in redistribution at least at a ce rtain level to make sure that everybodys got a shot Everyone has the chance to maintain a roof over their heads and send their kids to college. Everybody that works hard can make it. Social class segregation is perceptible in all 52 states of America. Upper, middle and working classes have their own geographical residential areas within communities. Ethnic segregation begins within the social class groups because the majority of working and poor classes of Americans are minorities. The high class and elites are mostly white Americans.Therefore, geographically America is in fact more divided by this social class system. In 2006 10 percent of whites have been recorded as being below the poverty line while 24 percent of blacks remain below the poverty line (Harrison & Dye, 2010). In 2010 the top 1 percent had a 35. 4 percentage over the rump 80 percent with 11. 1 percent of total net worth (Domhoff, 2005). However, it is this system that provides America with the unique opportunit y that people from all over the gentlemans gentleman are drawn to. The fact that in America if you work hard and play by the rules you can reap he rewards by becoming successful and climbing up the social class ladder. Power in America is achieving higher education, owning property, financial freedom, maintaining a good credit. Power is measured by temporal items such as expensive cars, jewelry, clothing, electronics, Vacations. It was William Thompson who said Our position in the social hierarchy affects our health, happiness, and even how long we will live (Thompson, 2005) Reference Harrison, B, C &Dye, T. R. (2011) Power and society An introduction to the social sciences (12th Edition) Boston, Ma G.William Domhoff, September, 2005 retrieved October 15 2012 from http//www2. ucsc. Edu /who rules america/power/wealth. html Jeff Green (2006) Americas Class Warfare retrieved October 15 2012 form http// www. youtube. Com /watch? v=bGS2G79IxTc&feature=fvst Mitt Romney Quote retr ieved October 15, 2012 from http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=5wtLKcAU4wQ Barrack Obama Retrieved October 15, 2012 from http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=BRPbCSSXyp0 Obama Loyola University, C-SPAN October 19, 1998. http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=z0PUUpa5X4E William Thompson, Joseph Hickey, club in Focus, 2005
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Language and Intimacy
Kanye East 03/15/2013 English Language and Intimacy Language defines the type of person we are. It has an affect on our choices as well as our lifestyle. Depending on friends, family, and others we talk to, our choice on wrangle tends to vary. Our decisions in life, sometimes, are influenced by the language we use and our surroundings. Language has work a way of seeing life in a different perspective. But can language effect intimacy? Family intimacy to be exact. Richard Rodriguez, a writer and public speaker, expertly illustrates his own experience with this in his autobiography, Hunger of Memory.Rodriguezs childhood was particularly unique given the fact that while he was born and raised in the United States, he was strongly influenced in the ethnic environment of a Spanish family. Although the reader is introduced to only a condensed excerpt from the autobiography, he learns a great deal about Rodriguezs family and his relationship to it, his conflict of speaking English versu s Spanish, and the paradox that became evident as he used English as his primary language. Since learning English, young Rodriguez noted the lack of intimacy there was in his home.Did the understanding of a new language affect the very close family? While I read this autobiography, there were tons of ideas that struck me. It was very interesting because so many of the different part could relate to my life. Being born and raised in America, English was automatic entirelyy my first language. Nevertheless, my parents were keen on making me and my siblings learn their native tongue, my fathers Yemeni civilisation and my mothers Turkish culture and most importantly, our religion. As soon as they can, my parents enrolled me and my siblings in Arabic school and Islamic studies.There we learned how to read, write and fluently speak Arabic and also memorize and study the Holy Quran. At home, my mother schooled us on the Turkish language. The essence of my childhood was of culture and lang uage but as me and my siblings got older, the language faded. Our formerly perfectly spoken Turkish and Arabic, broken. I couldnt deny the fact that my Arabic was not as strong as in the beginning but it became the most evident to me when my grandparents came over from overseas. They only came one time before, when I was younger and knew the language of their tongue.The news of them coming to our house from Yemen brought me to the basement, going done stacks of old coloring books and photos desperately looking for my old Arabic books. Remembering the pages and pages of Arabic greetings and phrases, I looked even harder. After finally finding it at the bottom and a hidden stack of books, I sat. The rush of nostalgia came back but when I opened my mouth to read, it was a stuttered mess. The words I once read so fluently were now what seemed a calligraphy of memory. At this point, I knew the book wasnt going to do much for me.Practicing the phrases I already knew, and said occasional ly, I found more and more ways to make them sound like their not all I know. Ignoring the fact that they were. The day came and by this point I wanted to get the humiliation and disappointment over with. As I walked downstairs to greet them, familiar voices and smells of incents filled the air. Their smiles and hugs erased all the worry. And as we sat there listening to them laugh and reminisce with my father, me and my siblings all joined in on the conversation.With the language of intimacy. This autobiography triggered many thoughts on language and intimacy. Of all possible human qualities, the one that wields the most power is the ability to use, understand and communicate effectively through language. A proficient use of language allows us to clearly communicate an exact idea from one person to another person or group of people. This precise science of being able to fill exactly what you want equates to the acquisition of power. As strong and powerful as language is, It didnt a ffect intimacy.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Company Profile of Siemens Essay
sec is a German multinational conglomerate union headquartered in Munich, Germany. It is the largest Europe-based electronics and electrical engineering company. 1 sulfur is organised into six main divisions Industry, Energy, Healthcare, Equity Investments, Siemens IT Solutions & Services and Siemens Financial Services. Human Resources Perspective Siemens 3i Program The human resources perspective combines prescriptions for design of job tasks with theories of motivation.Siemens humanistic perspective on management is reflected on its 3i program, which applies Theory Y assumptions to tap into employee creative thinking and mind power. The 3i Program(ideas, impulses, initiatives) encourages ideas and suggestions from employees and rewards these initiatives. There are direct and indirect ways for improvement suggestions. Employees can either contact supervisor directly to voice their ideas (direct) or bend their suggestions to the 3i office, who will step in to find the responsibl e department(indirect).Employees will be rewarded if their improvement suggestions are adopted. Siemens has a huge number of motivated employees and consequently enormous creative potential on ideas for improving travel surroundings, optimizing processes, saving money or enhancing competitiveness. Today 100,000 3i suggestions a year are put into practice-at Siemens AG in Germany alone. 3 This Theory Y approach enables the company be rewarded by premiums totaling 300 million.Impact of accessible Forces Training in SiemensSocial forces refer to those aspects of a culture that guide and influence relationships among people. One social force is the changing attitudes, ideas and values of Generation Y employees, who want a work environment with access to opportunities to learn and further their careers and personal goals. 4 In response to the social force of Gen Y workers, Siemens provides education programs teaching new skills or extending the skills employees already have. There a re On-the-job development and Off-the job training.On-the-job training is conducted at the place of work through mentoring, shadowing, coaching, job rotation. Off-the job training takes place away from workplace through courses, presentations and qualifications. For entry level employees, Siemens has three main development programmes apprenticeships, Siemens Commercial Academy and Siemens receive Programmes. These programs develop employees with the essential skills set they need in their everyday role and equip them for a long-term career at Siemens.By improving the development opportunities, employees feel the company values them. The motivation theories of Herzberg and Maslow show that staff work better when valued. This delivers long-term commitment and ensures benefits to the company. Knowledge Management Model ICN/ICM ShareNet Siemens education and Communication Networks(ICN)ShareNet is a community of around 18,000 sales, marketing, business and R & D people of Siemens ICN and ICM. ShareNet networks these experts globally and lets them share and develop their knowledge in crop to create better customer solutions. 5It focuses on enabling employees to transfer their tacit knowledge into explicit information.Whats more, ShareNet is independent of time zones and organizational structures, so imperative questions are generally answered within a few hours. ShareNet provides real life experience thus saves precious time in all phases of the value excogitation process. In addition to time, ShareNet saves consulting fees for Siemens, because the knowledge and analyses of external consultants reports are made available on a global scale whenever possible.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Tourist Satisfaction Towards Tourist Facilities
Tourism sector has become the third largest source of income from foreign exchange in Malaysia and Melaka is one of the most probatory tourism destinations in Malaysia. Tourism sector has helped Malaysia in many ways. Some of the positive sides are that it helps to increase Malaysian timbre of life, and promote Malaysia as a delicately and save country to visit. As a world class tourism destination nominated by UNESCO in 2008, Melaka has served many tourists throughout the world.Since 2008, many of the write up done were focused on heritage conservation and culture appreciation. A study of service quality is important in order to learn on tourists satisfaction towards tourists facilities. In tourism management, tourists facilities are essential to gain tourists loyalty, trust and satisfaction. Based on the survey and evaluation, the basis for recommendation and improvements can be allocated for upgrading the animal(prenominal) plan.This research therefore focuses on internationa l tourists satisfaction on tourists facilities and Melaka has been chosen as the case study. This researchs objectives is (a) to identify tourism facilities needed by the tourist in Dutch Heritage Trail, Melaka. (b) to determine tourists satisfaction levels on tourism facilities. (c) to identify the issues related to tourism facilities. (d) to recommend possible improvements to improve the tourism facilities. This research analysed the current tourists satisfaction towards tourists facilities in Melaka Heritage Sites.To do so, 100 sets of questionnaire were distributed among the international tourist in Melaka who has experience tourists facilities for the purpose of data collection. The data still were further analysed by carry out Relative Important Index (RII) and spearman test. The results shows that tourists were unsatisfied in certain tourists facilities existed despite the fact that Melaka Heritage Sites is the one of the significant tourism destinations in Malaysia.Besides, the results also revealed that there is significant relationship between some of the respondents groups and satisfaction level of tourists facilities. Some of the issues identified in this research were cleanliness, pedestrians, quality of information given to tourists and money changes or ATM machines are taken into consideration. Therefore, several suggestions and recommendations were formulated to enhance the existing service quality of tourists facilities based on the respondents feedback.
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