Monday, September 30, 2019
Complex Phenomenon of Obesity
Obesity a Complex Phenomenon When a person hears the word obesity thoughts that may come to mind are overweight, big, or unhealthy. Obesity is a growing outbreak in America that effects all ages and gender. Obesity today is becoming or has become a problem in America. Comparing to other countries, not one has an overweight problem near as bad as the United States. With that in mind, people’s health is a huge concern in America in which obesity has a big impact on. Obesity occurs when a person consumes more calories than what they burn.The human body needs calories to sustain life and be physically active, but to maintain weight it needs to balance the energy we eat with the energy that’s use to operate. Childhood obesity in America is a growing disease because of advertisement of fast food, lack of physical activities, and parental control. This has made fast food a major health issue in young teenagers’ lives, parents need to take charge and help out the situati on. Obesity is a complex phenomenon, but â€Å"the main causes can be grouped into three main topics, poor food choice, lack of exercise, and the lack of awareness. (Obesity; study) Poor food choice is one of the main causes. People today eat more and more fast food which is high in fats, cholesterol, and contains too much carbohydrate. The body is overloaded with fats and sugar, which is converted into body fat. The second main cause is lack of exercise. A recent study shown in Diabetes week states that â€Å"kids in elementary schools spend an average of 22-24 hours a week watching television†(Weight Loss). Kids no longer spend their free time playing outside; instead they sit in a couch all day and watch TV or play video games.The danger in some rough neighborhoods can also add to the situation, because some parents do not feel that it is safe for their children to play outside. A third contributing factor is lack of awareness about good eating habits. Mothers give their children too much choices and too little guidance in what to eat, advertising confuses kids and leaves them debating whether a fast food product is good or bad for their health, and conflicting information about diets and healthy eating from the food industry and medical experts just makes them confused about diets.Fast-food joints have not only come to dominate the American landscape, they are also the most visible American export around the globe. Unfortunately, â€Å"fast food contains almost no nutrients and is loaded with added salt, sugar, refined flours, fat, and preservatives. †(Weight loss) The irony is that even though at the moment getting a meal from a fast food restaurant seems great, it’s not. For every dollar that is spent on fast food, and every second saved at a drive-through, over a lifetime it comes back and puts people at serious health risk.Obesity amongst children is a serious matter that goes beyond a child putting on a few pounds. It is an issu e that has many health and social consequences, which often continue into adulthood. According to Su Shaoyong in his article Genetics and Obesity â€Å"obesity increases one’s risk of developing high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, cancers, pulmonary disease, bone joint disorders, and early death. †(1) Obesity also often causes psychological problems.Many are judged on their appearance rather than their personality, meaning that people with obesity also suffer from discrimination and rejection by their peers. This ultimately causes poor self-image, which leads to low self-esteem. Meaning the greater the degree of obesity, greater the chance of suffering physical and psychological health problems. The good news is that there is no doubt that obesity can be prevented at an early age. Physical activity and inputting nutritional knowledge on kids are the main methods to preventing obesity.Parents and schools provide the connection to counterfeit a kid’s urge for fast-food. Adapting a healthy lifestyle at a young age is very important, since it is difficult to change later on. â€Å"The quality of food in schools, including school meals, vending machines, has a huge impact on a children’s physical health. †(Obesity; Study) Schools should be careful and take into great consideration to try to provide a healthy overall menu. Schools need to require physical education during school and provide after-school opportunities for physical activities to help regularize a more active lifestyle for a kid.Second, parents are the most important role models. â€Å"Adults have the responsibility to encourage children to become active, help them watch their diet†. (Shaoyong 1) Some parents argue that they should be able to feed their children what they want, and it’s their kids own body so it’s up to them to take care of themselves. That should not be an excuse, being obese comes with sev eral other problems. Why would any parent want to worry about their children having any type of health risks? Adults need to fulfill their jobs as being parents towards heir children, by being able to teach and show their kids how to live a healthy lifestyle. Doing a lot of small things for example limiting the amount of times they eat out at a fast-food restaurant or buying more fruits and vegetables instead of convenience foods that have a lot of fat in it can have a big impact on their child’s health. Every day the number of obese children increases. It should be a number one priority in many families to eat properly and exercise, their lives depend on it.Most people in the United States have changed their lifestyle completely, from one in which there was more walking, physical and outdoor activity, into a lazy lifestyle with little or no exercise. Most citizens take cars to work and do office jobs, spend their days off watching TV, and would rather much prefer fast food o ver an exhausting home cooked meal. America has brought this problem upon themselves, now it’s up to its citizens to take precaution about the situation and help solve it by getting educated and becoming more aware of it. Word Count: 1030
Sunday, September 29, 2019
The Ways in Which Managerial Role Has Changed in the 21st Century
THE WAYS IN WHICH MANAGERIAL ROLE HAS CHANGED IN THE 21ST CENTURY Globalization and advances in technology has brought changes to the business environment and the world as we know it today. Consequently, the nature of work has changed and it has brought on new challenges for managers (French et al, 2008). There is therefore the need to examine the ways the role of managers has evolved as a result of these changes. The role of managers is primarily to guide organisations towards the accomplishment of its goals. Certo and Certo (2009) identified four major activities that mangers use in achieving organisational goals.These are planning, organising, influencing and controlling. The way managerial role has changed with be assessed based on this four activities. Planning refers to objectives and goal setting. Traditionally, planning has been concentrated at the top with employees been told what the next strategy is. The changing nature of work implies that managers and employees plan and execute decisions together (Bouchikhi and Kimberly, 2000 cited in Mullins, 2011). Employees’ views are now being taken into consideration in taking operational decisions.Managers have to plan in an uncertain world as such they have to be proactive and know how to manage risks. Organising involves creating structures and the division of labour. Managers would have to constantly restructure their organisations in line with changes in the business environment and their strategy. There is the need for proper delegation of authority. Advances in technology have brought about the trend towards ‘virtuality’ which removes some aspect of the borders and design of the traditional organisation by carrying business operations with the use of information technology (Certo and Certo, 2009).Managers have to be able to organise work and find efficient ways of communicating within this virtual environment. Influencing has to do with creating enthusiasm in people and inspiring emp loyees to perform better. Changes in work environment mean that the organisational values need to be based on teamwork and trust because people are now seen as an important resource (Mullins, 2011). There is a greater emphasis on getting employees involved in the organisation and giving them the liberty to take initiative (Certo and Certo, 2009). It is essential that managers are able to attract and retain effective workforce overtime (French et al, 2008).Due to globalisation, the workforce is more diverse than ever. As a result, managers have to firstly recognize the differences in culture and modify their actions to deal with differing cultural norms (Molinsky et al, 2012). Controlling involves measuring performance and taking corrective actions. Advances in information technology impacts management control systems. The workplace is more interconnected with a speedy diffusion of information to more people (Mullins, 2011). Consequently, it is then necessary to manage information sy stems. In controlling people, managers need to be able to exude the right level of power over their subordinates.Bouchikhi and Kimberly (2000) claim that power is no longer concentrated at the top but is now shared. The 21st century marks the era called the information age which has seen themes such as globalisation, diversification and virtual organisations becoming at the heart of business operations. This has tremendous impact on the way a manager plans, organises, influences and controls his team. In order to be effective, a manger needs to be able to work in a virtual world where his team has as much input in the way plans are designed and decisions are made. The managers must also be open to the different cultures.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The Mechanics of Profit Maximization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Mechanics of Profit Maximization - Essay Example Marginal Revenue Q = 100 – 0.5P 0.5P = 100 – Q P = (100/0.5) – (Q/0.5) P = 200 – 0.5Q TR = P*Q = (200 - 0.5Q) Q TR = 200Q - 0.5Q^2 MR = dTR/dQ = 200 – Q Marginal Cost TC = 100 + 60 (Q) + (Q) 2 AC = TC/Q = 100/Q + 60 + Q MC = dTC/Dq = 60 + 2Q B) Demonstrate that profit is maximized at the quantity where MR = MC. MR = MC MR = dTR/dQ = 200 – Q MC = dTC/Dq = 60 + 2Q 200 – Q = 60 + 2Q 140 = 3Q Q = 46.67 C) Derive the relationship between marginal revenue and the price elasticity of demand, and show that the profit-maximizing price and quantity will never be the unit-elastic point on the demand curve. The relationship between marginal revenue and the price elasticity of demand can be summed as the percentage change in revenue equaling total percentage changes in quantity and price. R = PQ dR = PdQ + QdP dR/R = PdQ/PQ + QdP/PQ dR/R =dQ/Q + dP/p D) Using the information in (B), demonstrate that the profit-maximizing price and quantity will nev er be in the inelastic portion of the demand curve. ... 8) Explain the difference between firms in monopolistic competition and firms in oligopoly. What does this difference mean for prices and quantities and for economic profit? Firms in monopolistic competition contain large number of small firms, while in an oligopoly contain a small number of large firms (Amosweb, 2013). Also, monopolistic firms are price takers, while oligopolistic firms are price setters. Since oligopolies set the prices of quantities rather than take the prices, they can affect the outcome of the economic profit, where if they set the price high, they earn more profit. The monopolistic firms cannot afford to set the prices high because they cannot compete with oligopoly firms in terms of setting prices (Varun, 2013). With the small number of large firms in oligopoly, it is easier for one firm’s action to influence the action of other firms (Brunelle, 2006). For instance, if one oligopoly firm reduces its price because of increased quantities it will affect t he entire market because it would imply other monopolistic firms would have to reduce their prices and may reduce their profit. 9) A firm has estimated the following demand function for it products: Q = 8 – 2P + 0.10I + A Where Q is quantity demanded per month in thousands, P is product price, I is an index of consumer income, and A is advertising expenditures per month thousands. Assume that P = $10, I = 100, and A = $20. Based on this information, calculate values for: Quantity Demand Q = 8 – 2P + 0.10I + A Q = 8 – 2 (10) + 0.10(100) + 20 Q = 18 Price Elasticity of Demand ed = dQ/dA ed = 1 Advertising Elasticity ae = dQ/dA x A/Q ae = (1) x (20/18) ae = 1.11 % meaning 1 percent
Friday, September 27, 2019
Trans Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease Article
Trans Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease - Article Example They can cause several diseases including diabetes and CHD. Analysis of evidence derived from dietary trials, experimental research studies, and prospective observational researches leads to the conclusion that trans fatty acids consumed when they are obtained from partially hydrogenated oils yield no nutritional benefits but are harmful for health. Eliminating the use of partially hydrogenated oils from the food products is not easy for the food manufacturers in America, though other countries provide examples of successful replacement of the use of trans fatty acids in partially hydrogenated oils with the use of cis unsaturated fats because this helps the food manufacturers make foods healthier without bearing more cost or compromising upon the quality or quantity of the food products. Health care providers should advocate limiting of the use of trans fats. Reduced intake of trans fat would bring many health benefits for the society and reduce heart diseases in the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Current issues in second language learning Essay
Current issues in second language learning - Essay Example e constructivist approach, wherein the learner needs to be actively engaged in the learning process through his/her interactions with the environment. The role of a teacher within a constructivist framework would be largely a facilitative one – aiding a student to learn by encouraging him/her to construct, rather than the traditional role of supplier of information. The policy of Constructivism takes into account the nature and development of knowledge and according to Van Glasersfeld, constructivism is a "theory of knowledge with roots in philosophy, psychology and cybernetics."1 Therefore, when learning is examined from a constructivist perspective, there is an underlying implication that the manner in which knowledge is constructed within an individual’s mind is fashioned by the environment that he is subjected to. Therefore teaching methods must be modified accordingly in order to accommodate learning practices. For instance, if students are perceived as mere learning receptacles, then teaching would constitute only the transmission of knowledge however, when applying constructivism, the knowledge that is being transmitted will be additionally processed by a student, then the teaching approach must incorporate attempts to transmit meaning and understanding to the students to help them make sense of their world2. The Constructivist approach transforms the learning process into a one on one process between an individual and his environment. Knowledge becomes intimately associated with and unique to every individual learner, since it is not an absolute entity existing as a separate external reality but rather it is integral to every learner whose knowledge will be conditioned by his/her own experiences. Therefore, applying this principle, reality is made up of â€Å"the network of things and relationships that we rely on in living.†3 Hence reality will be interpreted and constructed in accordance with the individual learner’s experiences and interactions
A femnist Analysis of an Item of Popular culture Research Paper
A femnist Analysis of an Item of Popular culture - Research Paper Example Through the ages, continuous evolvement has resulted in popular culture being remembered by era which witnessed its boom. Popular culture (sometimes also referred to as pop culture) can not only be distinguished by timeline, but also through areas/regions. Feminism is defined as â€Å"the theory of political, economic, and social equality of the sexes†(Merriam Webster). As opposed to popular belief that Feminism calls for feminine dominance in the society, its actual motive is to establish equality between the genders by equal representation of women in all walks of life. Its history can be dated back to 1895 when this word was first coined and used; however, equal rights propaganda had been in effect long before then. Women have been discriminated against since time unknown due to baseless assumptions formulated by the male-dominating society representatives. Similar to other minorities like African-Americans, women’s rights had been greatly limited, often unjustly ta ilored short. Soon, this injustice came to light, followed by the â€Å"feminism†revolutionary protests and propagandas. However, to fulfill the purpose of this paper, I will be elaborating on a â€Å"Feminist Analysis of an Item of Popular Culture†hereafter. The item I have chosen is a movie released in the year 2000, with a subsequent edition in the year 2003. Rumors have it that another edition in the series will be released in 2011. The name of the movie is â€Å"Charlie’s Angels (2000)†and â€Å"Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle (2003)†starring Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, and Lucy Liu as central characters around which the story revolves. This film is based on a television series with the same name which had complete five seasons and 110 episodes from September 1976 to June 1981. Unsuccessful attempts were made to revive the television series since 1981, ultimately resulting in the formation of a successful box office hit movie in 2 000. Charlie’s Angels – both movies – depict the three central feminine characters as private investigation agents. The investigation agency for which the â€Å"Angels†work is run by a multimillionaire named â€Å"Charlie†, a man who is never focused on screen, and who conveys instructions to his agents through a speaker phone in his office, leaving them to work on their projects by themselves – somewhat unsupervised. The three heroines are distinctively bold and beautiful, extremely talented, tough and skilled, fussing about their exterior beauty while at the same time fighting crimes and criminals with manly valor and tactics. The first movie shows the â€Å"Angels†(as Charlie had named them) in pursuit of a software genius who had developed a unique voice recognition system through which the location of any person could be found. Unfortunately this genius is kidnapped, which the story later reveals was self-inflicted. In collabor ation with a communications satellite company and an aide, this genius aims to use his recently developed technology to locate and kill the multimillionaire and the Angels’ Boss – Charlie – as he believes Charlie to be the murderer of his father. The chase that follows shows Charlie being saved from the fatal attack by inches through the Angels’ extensive efforts and immense technological know-how. Even though Charlie’s physical existence was mere inches from exposure, he manages to make a quick run into oblivion, maintaining his unknown and unfocussed identity in front of the Angels and the audiences. The second movie has a similar thriller storyline. It shows the Angels in
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The 7 wanders of the world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The 7 wanders of the world - Essay Example â€Å"[The list] was based on guide-books popular among Hellenic sight-seers and only includes works located around the Mediterranean rim†(â€Å"Seven Wonders†, 2006). The seven wonders of the ancient world are listed as the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes and the Lighthouse at Alexandria. Of these, only the Great Pyramid still exists today (Krystek, 2003). â€Å"For their builders, the Seven Wonders were a celebration of religion, mythology, art, power, and science. For us, they reflect the ability of humans to change the surrounding landscape by building massive yet beautiful structures†(Ashmawy, 2000). While almost none of these structures can be visited today, a closer look what is known about them can inspire some of the same wonder and fascination experienced by those who saw them first-hand. The Great Pyramid at Giza, the only one of the seven great wonders still standing, demonstrates an amazing attention to precision, even by today’s standards and with modern equipment. According to Andrew Bayuk (2005), the base of the pyramid is level to less than an inch and the sides measure almost equal lengths, with fluctuations at less than 1.75 inches. While it seems general knowledge that the average weight of the blocks is approximately 2.5 tons, Bayuk provides more precise detail. â€Å"Many blocks are indeed smaller than this, the blocks toward the top decrease in size. Some of the casing stones at the base are very large, weighing as much as 15 tons. The heaviest blocks are the granite blocks used to roof the king’s chambers and the weight relieving chambers above the king’s chamber. These are estimated to weigh from 50 to 80 tons†(Bayuk, 2005). While it has been widely believed that the
Monday, September 23, 2019
Development of Management and Education in Nursing Practice Dissertation
Development of Management and Education in Nursing Practice - Dissertation Example Two specialised assignments afforded me such opportunities. The first involved preparing and delivering a Teaching Session to my peers on a topic of clinical interest that related to my work at the trust. After the session I analysed both the content and the process of the Teaching Session. The second assignment involved interviewing a Lead Health Professional in an area related to the topic of the Teaching Session. Afterwards I assessed and reviewed the interview as a function of local and national health care policies such as Clinical Governance and for the subject matter discussed. The topic of both my Teaching Session and the interview with the Lead Health Professional related to controlling the transmission of MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). MRSA infection and control is a significant public health threat in the UK, a topic of which students should be aware, and one about which senior leaders have much to say. I became interested in the topic during my placement at a trust in London. Since then have maintained a keen eye for mention of it in the media and, as discussed in Part II of the Portfolio, have decided to take action to try to get my trust to implement one of the particularly significant MRSA control programmes. The Portfolio is divided into two parts, plus Appendices. Each part is a comprehensive assessment and analytic essay, complete with a References section with more than 15 references per essay.For ease of evaluation, the References for Part One immediately follow the essay for Part One., rather than being presented in a consolidated reference section at the end of the entire portfolio as in standard for essays and research projects. The Portfolio's two parts, Summary, and Appendices include: Part One - Evaluation of a Teaching Session Part Two - Assessment of an Interview with a Lead Health Professional Portfolio Summary Appendix A - Interview Record Appendix B - Notes and Details of the Interview with the Secretary General of the Royal College of Nursing As evidenced in each essay individually, and my summary comments, the Portfolio project had a significant impact on my perception of nursing, and of myself as a nurse. Fortunately, it was all positive and certainly helped me grow. Part One - Reflections on a Teaching Session The Teaching Session provided me an opportunity both to teach and to learn. Although I was the teacher as I presented the material to the students, I also learned a lot, about teaching, about my chosen topic, and about myself as I took on a previously unfamiliar role. This essay, a critical reflection on the many aspects of the Teaching Session experience, is divided into seven parts: Rationale Planning Preparation Delivery Evaluation/Feedback Action Plan for the Future Whilst I thing the Teaching Session went well, it also heightened my awareness of ways I can be a more effective teacher, to one person or a hundred. Rationale During clinical practice, I noticed that infection control standards, especially staff hand washing techniques following care for patients with MRSA, were inconsistent. Standards were not evidence-based, likely not reflecting best practices. Given the importance of proper hand washing techniques in arresting MRSA transmission, I decided MRSA and proper hand washing techniques would be the topic of my Teaching Session. Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a form of the Staphylococcus aureus organism resistant to commonly used antibiotics (About MRSA: What is MRSA). As Eaton (2005) notes, hand
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Arabic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Arabic - Essay Example Further, the contents of the media are substantially determined, by the culture; culture informs the beliefs and knowledge stock of people. Therefore, the media should consider issues that are relevant to the culture that the media represent. Cultural beliefs and cultural norms influence the structure and operations, and the composition of the media. The social, religious and political issues inherent in the Arabic nations and the Arabic culture take precedence in the media while the rest of the issues from other cultures are squeezed in the rest of the space and time. In the 1990s, the governments in the Arab World owned most televisions channels. Satellite televisions are sprouting rapidly. This is not due to freedom of speech and money but due to political influence on their growth. The West has also influenced the growth of Arabian media through the Arab soap operas (Hammond 26). In 2003, Star Academy began when Reality television had entered the Arabic public discourse. That was when women fought for their political rights in Kuwait; election results were contested in Egypt and there erupted escalating violence in Iraq. The political crisis environment framed the current Arab- Western relations. It formed the backdrop that causes controversies surrounding the social and political impact of Reality television that assumes religious, cultural and moral manifestations (Hammond 28). Research in Media has stressed that the moral and social responsibility of news people should not agitate public opinion, but should keep the status quo. It is paramount to preserve national unity by not causing ethnic or religious conflict. Investigative journalism was not allowed in the Arab World due to limited freedom of speech. Personal reputation is a fundamental principle in Arab media; exposure of corruption and weaknesses in policy makers hold the news person in
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Health Care Email Essay Example for Free
Health Care Email Essay Thinking back a hundred years ago the history of health care has evolved and has become one of the most demanding fields to work in. The ultimate goal of health care is to treat, prevent or to intervene for those who are ill. Technology is also a major evolution that is now a vital role in the health care system. It allows patients to become more involved with their healthcare. They can follow up on test results, make appointments, and contact their doctors with the progression of technology. Not only has technology evolved but medication is another area that has improved the lives of many, back a hundred years ago the various medication was not available. The future has so much in store for those in the health care field. There are many interesting areas of the health care field. The one thing that interests me most is how disease treatment has changed the path to healing. The idea of medicine has change the look on life of healing and living. Medicine has change the ways we care for our customer know as our patient. In the earlier centuries, epidemics like cholera and smallpox were a widespread across countries; now those diseases are rarely heard of. With the research and implementation of new medicines most of the diseases that were killing thousands of people are now nonexistent. Nurses are the care takers in the health care field. With nurses patients receive one on one care, in many areas of the health care field. Nursing comes from the heart and spirit and truly from within. Healthcare was my number one choice field to work in. After working in a nursing home for many years showed me the reward for caring for others. I have learned many lessons in the healthcare field both positive and negative. . There are many resources and information on the history of health care in the U.S Department of Health Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Public Health Services. These are only a few of the resources were information on the history of health can be found. There are many aspect and field to go into, but you have to know which area of expertise or group and how they all tie into the health care.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Organizational Decoupling Processes and Causes
Organizational Decoupling Processes and Causes The field of organizational decoupling is a field that has not been researched very much. Meyer and Rowan (1977) were some of the first authors who wrote about this subject and define organizational decoupling as separating formal structure from actual organizational practice. In short, this means that organizations say that they do one thing, but actually do something else. For instance, an organization can announce that it will start a stock repurchase program. The organization can announce that it will repurchase a certain amount of stocks but actually repurchase much less stocks or dont repurchase them at all (Westphal Zajac, 2001). In this particular example the organization decouples what it says it is going to do, with what it actually does. Thus, the organization separates formal procedures (formal structure) from practice. So organizations seem to decouple their structure from actual practice, but why? Why do organizations try to fool other organizations, clients, customers and possibly even themselves? I argue that the main problem is legitimacy, and by exploring organizations quest for legitimacy and the problems they might encounter along the way, this research tries to map the main causes for organizational decoupling and thus give an answer to the following research question: What are the main causes of organizational decoupling? This research consists of a step-by-step overview of the entire process underlying decoupling. Four steps will be taken to explore and explain why organizations decouple their formal procedures (formal structure) from practice. Namely, 1) looking at the context of organizations and their search for legitimacy, 2) looking at problems organizations might encounter while searching for legitimacy 3) identifying the problem that is supported to be the prime cause of decoupling and 4) looking at organizational reactions to these problems (using decoupling) to connect the causes the action (problems to decoupling). These three steps will be discussed in three paragraphs and each paragraph consists of a review of existing literature from different authors about the decoupling process. Figure 1.1 shows the conceptual model sketching the process underlying decoupling. This model is divided into theory and propositions. The theory section shows which concepts form the theory behind the proposit ions and the propositions section shows which propositions are extracted from the theory. These propositions will form the core of this research. Research Structure The first step in the research is to take a look at the context of organizations and their quest for legitimacy. Organizations are embedded into institutional environments, meaning that the environment expects something of these organizations (Boxembaum Jonsson, 2008). There are certain norms, values and rules that organizations are being expected to act upon. Organizations have to conform to these expectations to gain legitimacy and this is the one goal all organizations have. They have to be legitimate to operate, survive, gain control over resources and create stability (Meyer Rowan, 1977; Boxenbaum Jonsson, 2008). For organizations, expectations are being experienced as pressures to conform. Therefore, this research will use the term environmental pressures to refer to these expectations. However, using the term environmental pressure sketches an image that is too vague and incomplete. Therefore this research divides environmental pressures into normative pressures and coercive pressures (Dimaggio Powel, 1983/2000). The term normative pressures refers to the expectations of the public or the cultural audience. These are the people and other organizations that form society and expect organizations to behave in a certain way and to conform to moral norms and values. It is important to keep in mind that it is not illegal to disregard these expectations; they are social guidelines, not laws. Nonetheless organizations have to conform to these expectations to stay legitimate (Boxenbaum Jonsson, 2008; and others). Coercive pressures however do consist of laws. In some situations organizations have to conform to certain laws that are being imposed by the government and this creates a pressure to conform. Organizations must conform because disobedience is illegal and illegitimate (Edelman, 1992). The second step in finding the answer to why organizations decouple their formal procedures (formal structure) from practice lies in the problems organizations might encounter while pursuing legitimacy. This paper categorizes three different problems that might rise when organizations try to gain legitimacy by conforming to environmental pressures, namely: 1) organizations might encounter a misfit between the expectations of their environments and their practices (Meyer Rowan, 1977); 2) some organizations might encounter an inability to conform to the coercive and normative pressures (Oliver, 1991); and 3) in some cases what an organization is being expected to do is in conflict with the interests of the organization as a whole or of individual managers (Edelman, 1992; Westphal Zajac, 2001; Fiss Zajac, 2006). The third step is to identify one of the three possible problems as the one that is the most important or most found cause of organizational decoupling. This step will eventually form an answer to the research question. The fourth step is the step where organizations actually decouple their formal structure from practice as a response to the problems that have arisen as a result of environmental pressures. This chapter will discuss different ways in which organizations use decoupling to solve problems and it illustrates some particular situations and approaches to the different problems that might arise while trying to be legitimate. This chapter functions as a bridge between the problems and the actual decoupling. Relevance of the Research Because organizations experience the struggle for legitimacy on a daily basis, and therefore have to cope with problems that arise as a result, this research might give organizations an insight in how to deal with these pressures and problem situations. Managers of organizations can use the knowledge in this research to come up with strategies that both suffice the need for legitimacy as well as the need for efficiency and pursuing organizational interests. The process underlying decoupling as illustrated in this research might also be used as a mean to gain legitimacy on its own. Because this research provides an insight into the reasons that organizations have to decouple their structure from practice, the public or cultural audience might come to a better understanding of the situation. They might understand that organizations sometimes have no other choice than to decouple and that the actions of organizations are actually quite legitimate, even if they are not considered to be at the moment. The knowledge provided in this research can also lead to further research on decoupling an form a basis for other researchers to start from because it tries to explain the core concept behind decoupling and to give an answer to the why question. Theoretical Framework Theory The aim of this research is to explore and explain the process underlying organizational decoupling and summarize the main causes. But what is organizational decoupling exactly? Meyer and Rowan (1977) define organizational decoupling as separating formal structure from actual organizational practice, meaning that organizations create an illusion of their activities (formal structure) but actually perform different activities (organizational practice). Many authors have used the term organizational decoupling but most of them refer to Meyer and Rowan as the founding fathers of this field of study and therefore this research will use the definition of organizational decoupling as given by them. The second important concept in this research is legitimacy. This research hypothesizes that organizations are on a quest for legitimacy and might encounter problems along the way. Legitimacy is therefore one of the core concepts and will be defined as a generalized perception or assumption that the actions of an entity are desirable, proper, or appropriate within some socially constructed system of norms, values, beliefs, and definitions (Suchman, 1995, p. 574). This definition will be used in this research because Suchman (1995) includes the importance of the social audience in his definition. As mentioned earlier, the audience defines the social pressure that organizations experience and is therefore an important player in the process underlying decoupling, which in a way determines what is legitimate and what is not, and should therefore be included in the definition of legitimacy. The third concept as mentioned in the conceptual model (figure 1.1) is environmental pressure. Meyer and Rowan (1977) call this environmental pressure myths. According to them, institutional rules function as myths to which organizations have to conform to be legitimate. This research however does not use the term myths but the term environmental pressure, the definition however remains the same. As mentioned earlier this research separates environmental pressure into two different sub pressures: coercive pressure and normative pressure. Coercive pressure will be defined as the demand of the state or other large actors to adopt specific structures or practices, or else face sanctions (Dimaggio Powel, 1983/2000 in Boxenbaum Jonsson, 2008, p. 80). Normative pressure will be defined as what is widely considered a proper course of action, or even a moral duty (Suchman, 1995, in Boxenbaum Jonsson, 2008, p. 80). These two definitions are chosen because they both point out the important difference between the moral and legal background of the concepts. The definition of coercive pressures specifically points out the role of the state and the risk of facing sanctions. This expresses the legal background of the concept. On the other hand, the definition of normative pressure points out the role of the audience. This on its turn expresses the social background of the concept. Dimaggio and Powel (1983/2000) also mention a third pressure, namely mimetic pressure. These mimetic pressures are mainly caused by uncertainty. This uncertainty for organizations causes organizations to imitate other, successful organizations to reduce their own uncertainty. Even though the concept of mimetic pressures is a part of the pressure package of Dimaggio and Powel (1983/2000) it will not be used in this research. The reason for leaving mimetic pressures out of the research and include only coercive and normative pressures is that this research hypothesizes that conforming to certain en vironmental pressure causes problems. Mimetic pressures however do not cause but rather solve problems (uncertainty)(Dimaggio Powel, 1983/2000). Propositions This research also mentions three different problems that organizations might encounter while trying to be legitimate. The first are efficiency problems. These problems are defined as problems that might arise when organizations try to conform to environmental pressures, which actually are in conflict with efficiency criteria (Meyer Rowan, 1977). The second problem is the inability to conform to environmental pressures. This problem will be defined as a problem that might rise when an organization has inadequate resources or capacity to meet the requirements of conformity (Oliver, 1991). The third are conflicting organizational or managerial interest problems. These are problems that might rise when environmental pressures are in conflict with the organizational or managerial interests (Edelman, 1992; Westphal Zajac, 2001; Fiss Zajac, 2006). Based on these three possible problems three propositions are made: Proposition 1 Organizational decoupling is caused by efficiency problems. Proposition 2 Organizational decoupling is caused by the organizations inability to conform to environmental pressures. Proposition 3 Organizational decoupling is caused by conflicting organizational or managerial interests. Table 2.1 Concept Definitions Organizational decoupling Separating formal structures from actual organizational practice Legitimacy A generalized perception or assumption that the actions of an entity are desirable, proper, or appropriate within some socially constructed system of norms, values, beliefs, and definitions Environmental pressure Institutional rules function as environmental pressures to which organizations have to conform to be legitimate Coercive pressure The demand of the state or other large actors to adopt specific structures or practices, or else face sanctions Normative pressure What is widely considered a proper course of action, or even a moral duty Efficiency problems Problems that might arise when organizations try to conform to environmental pressures, which actually conflicts sharply with efficiency criteria Inability to conform to environmental pressures Problems that might arise when an organization has inadequate resources or capacity to meet the requirements of conformity Conflicting organizational or managerial interests Problems that might arise when environmental pressures are in conflict with the organizational or managerial interests Research design This research can be characterized as both a descriptive and an explanatory research. It is both descriptive and explanatory because the aim on one hand is to describe current mainstream findings of other researchers on organizational decoupling and on the other hand to explain the whole process underlying organizational decoupling. This chapter will describe the process of data collection and data analysis using a part of the guidelines for conducting a systematic literature review as suggested by Tranfield, Denyer and Smart (2003). According to them conducting a review can be divided into several phases (table 3.1). These phases will form the steps used in this research for both data collection and analysis. Phases in conducting a review (Tranfield, Denyer Smart, 2003) Phase 1 Identification of research Phase 2 Selection of Studies Phase 3 Study quality assessment Identification of Research This phase of the research is the actual start of the data collection. According to Tranfield, Denyer and Smart (2003) a systematic search begins with identifying keywords and search terms. As mentioned in chapter 2 (Theoretical Framework), this research contains several concepts, which again can be found in the conceptual model (figure 1.1). These concepts are the core of this research and therefore some of them will be used as keywords to find relevant articles and papers. The first string of keywords is as follows: 1) Decoupling; 2) Legitimacy; 3) Institutional pressures. Table 3.2 shows the number of articles found for each keyword. Number of articles found Decoupling 12.262 Legitimacy 8.199 Institutional pressures 1080 To make the keywords more specific and to make sure that the results of the search are narrowed down the following, more specific keywords were identified and some keywords were added to the string (see table 3.2 for argumentation): 1) Organi?ational decoupling; 2) Acquiring legitimacy; 3) Maintaining legitimacy; 4) Conformity + institutional pressures; 5) Symbolic management Keyword argumentation Organi?ational decoupling Adding organi?ational to the term Decoupling makes the term more specific and narrows down results The ? makes sure that both the English and the American spelling of the word are being checked for Acquiring legitimacy Adding Aquiring to the term Legitimacy makes sure that the search focuses on the organizations search for legitimacy and not just on legitimacy itself Maintaining legitimacy Adding Maintaining to the term Legitimacy makes sure that the search focuses on the organizations struggle to maintain legitimacy and not just on legitimacy itself Conformity + Institutional pressures The term Institutional pressures refers to the pressures that weigh upon organizations The term Conformity refers to the theory that organizations have to conform to certain pressures to be legitimate Symbolic management Decoupling is using symbols to show that your organization conforms to certain institutional pressures (myths) (Meyer Rowan, 1977)The use of these symbols as a management strategy is called symbolic management (Westphal Zajac, 1998; 2001) The main source of information will be the ISI Web of Knowledge. This database contains thousands of articles and papers, which can be found using the license of the University of Tilburg. Unfortunately this license only allows the search for articles that have been published in 1988 or later. However, for the first step in searching relevant literature this is not a reason for concern. Again, to narrow down the results of the research and to exclude irrelevant results, the search will be refined to the general category Social Sciences. This makes sure that the search results do not include findings in irrelevant categories such as Science and Technology and Arts and Humanities. Second, the subject areas of the search are also refined. The subject areas that are included in the search are Business and Economics, Sociology and Behavioral Sciences. An example of the exact syntax of the search command can be found in the appendix. Besides using search-strings, this research also used the technique of snowballing. This technique uses the literature references of articles and papers that might have been found using the search-strings. For instance, the paper of Meyer and Rowan (1977) is being referred to by almost every author in the field of organizational decoupling. However, this article does not pop up in the search results in the Web of Knowledge database because it was published before 1988. By using snowballing other relevant articles about the subject can be found. The result of using this technique is that the latter part of the literature used in this research was found in the literature references of the articles that were found by using the organi?ational decoupling search term. Selection of Studies After searching for articles a selection of relevant studies had to be made. This process consists of three steps: 1) scanning the titles 2) reading the abstracts of the studies found and 3) matching the content of the studies to this researchs concept. The first and second step give an indication of what the studies are about. The title says a lot about the content of a paper and the abstract of an article gives a short summary of what the author has found in his or her study and thus gives an indication of the usability for this research. The third step is actually a sort of analysis of the studies that have been marked as relevant and usable in the previous two steps. This step consists of actually reading the selected studies and mapping their contents. Mapping the contents of a article or paper that are relevant for this research is being done by using a summary table (see appendix 6.2). This table is an oversight of the different articles and papers, their authors and the main concepts of these studies. After reading all the relevant literature this table is used to divide the different studies into different categories. The different categories consist of the core concepts of this study as shown in figure 1.1 (conceptual model), namely: 1) legitimacy; 2) conforming to coercive pressures; 3) conforming to normative pressures; 4) efficiency problems; 5) inability to conform to environmental pressures; 6) conflicting organizational or managerial interests; and 7) implementing decoupling. Dividing the literature into these different categories makes it easier to link them together in this research and to formulate an answer to the research question. Study Quality Assessment The quality of this research will be guaranteed by checking the literature that is being used as data. By checking the literature for times cited the reliability and validity of the literature is being secured. The more a particular article or paper is cited by other authors, the higher the reliability and validity of this particular article or paper. However, this also means that the older articles seem to be more reliable. To overcome this bias articles of more recent years have also been taken in to account and have been checked for usability separately. Another method for improving the reliability of the research is to use theoretical triangulation. By looking at different theories, the concept of organizational decoupling will be explained in a reliable and multidimensional way. To guarantee that this research can be replicated and checked for inconsistencies or to extend it, every step of the research process is being recorded. Also, the systematic way of analyzing the data ensures both replicabillity and reliability. Results As mentioned earlier, this research consists of three steps in explaining the causes of organizational decoupling. These three steps are according to the conceptual model (figure 1.1) and try to explain the process underlying decoupling step-by-step and will be covered in the following paragraphs. Quest for Legitimacy Before we can point out which problems could cause decoupling we must first take a look at how these problems rise in the first place. The theory shows that organizations try to be legitimate and are thus on a quest for legitimacy. Acquiring and maintaining legitimacy is the most difficult task for most organizations (Elsbach Sutton, 1992; Pfeffer Salancik, 1978: 194). Nonetheless, organizations have to be legitimate to operate, survive, gain resources and create stability (Meyer and Rowan, 1977; Boxembaum Jonsson, 2008). So one of the main goals of organizations is to be legitimate, but how do organizations achieve this? Boxembaum and Jonsson (2008) argue that organizations are embedded into institutional environments. Being embedded into institutional environments means that this environment has certain expectations of the organizations. These expectations are being experienced as pressures, and organizations have to comply with these pressures to maintain legitimacy (Dimaggio Powel, 1983/2000; Monahan, 2006). These pressures can be either coercive or normative (Seidman, 1983; Dimaggio Powel, 1983/2000). Coercive pressures refer to environmental expectations such as, for instance, laws. The argument that organizations have to conform to coercive pressures is supported by the work of Tsoukas (1994) who argues that in some environments organizations have to conform to rules and institutions as imposed by the legal state. Normative pressures refer to norms and values about what is considered proper or normal (Suchman, 1995). In their work on educational organizations and ranking Sauder and Espeland (2009) write about the normative pressures that educational organizations have to conform to. According to them, educational organizations are being ranked according to their performance. Schools have to be the best of the best to survive and thus have to conform to todays ideas of what is considered good quality and bad quality. Problems Along the Way So in short, organizations try to be legitimate by conforming to both coercive and normative environmental pressures. Conforming to these environmental pressures seems to be the right and only thing for organizations to do. However, this research hypothesizes that it might also cause certain problems. This research distinct three particular problems, namely: 1) efficiency problems; 2) inability to conform; and 3) conflicting interests. Efficiency Problems Meyer and Rowan (1977) argue that organizations that try to be legitimate by conforming to environmental pressures might encounter a misfit between the organizational structure and its practice. In other words, the environmental pressures are not in line with the organizational practice. For instance, Meyer and Rowan (1977) mention the example of a bus company. A bus company is expected to service certain routes, even when there are no passengers. This is highly inefficient, but the bus company has to conform to the environmental pressures. Edelman (1992) also point out the efficiency problems that might rise in their example of the equal employment opportunity and affirmative action (EEO/AA) law. This law is designed to ban discrimination in the hiring processes of firms and thus restricts organizations and managers to hire or refuse whomever they want. According to Edelman (1992) organizations experience this as highly inefficient and obstructing to managerial power. Inability to Conform A second problem that organizations can encounter is that they simply cannot conform to the environmental pressures. Oliver (1991) argues that some organizations are just not able to conform to certain environmental pressures because they do not have the needed resources or the capacity. For instance, it is more or less a social expectation (thus, a normative pressure) that the area surrounding a fast-food-restaurant is kept clean and clear of garbage by the restaurant itself. However, the restaurant might not have enough personnel or the material (resources and capacity) to conform to this expectation. It might also be possible that organizations simply do not know what is being expected of them or that multiple environmental pressures are conflicting with each other (Oliver, 1992). If any of these options is the case, then the organization might not be able to conform or choose to conform to one pressure, but ignore the other (conflicting) one. Conflicting Organizational or Managerial Interests The third problem that can rise as a result of trying to conform to environmental pressures is that certain organizational or managerial interests might be conflicting with the expectations (environmental pressures). Westphal and Zajac (2001) point out that some organizations that announce a stock repurchase program do not always fully implement these programs. According to them this might be a result of conflicting managerial interests. They argue that top managers might use this strategy, which is actually decoupling, to preserve free cash flow for themselves and thus to maintain managerial discretion over the allocation of resources. In other words, the organization is being expected to fully implement the stock repurchase programs, but top managers seem to want to keep control over the allocation of resources and thus do not (completely) conform to this environmental pressure. What is being expected, and the interests of the managers are conflicting with each other. The previous mentioned findings of Edelman (1992) about the EEO/AA law and its consequences for organizations are also supporting the conflicting interests argument. Edelman (1992) not only argues that conforming to the EEO/AA law, a coercive pressure, is inefficient but also argues that it is in conflict with organizational and managerial interests. Managers want to be free in hiring whomever they want but the EEO/AA law prohibits them from doing this. Thus, the coercive pressure to which the organizations have to conform is in conflict with the interests of the organizations themselves and their managers. Decoupling as a Problem Solving Tool So far we have traced the process underlying decoupling from trying to be legitimate, to conforming to environmental pressures and to the problems this might cause. This research argues that these problems are the main causes of organizational decoupling but so far nothing has been said about the implementation of decoupling as a response to these problems. This paragraph will give some examples of how organizations use decoupling to solve their problems and will form a bridge between the problems and decoupling. According to Meyer and Rowan (1977), efficiency problems can be solved by formally adopting a structure but then internally decouple this structure from the actual practice. They give an example of how a hospital applies this strategy. In this example Meyer and Rowan (1977) point out that hospitals treat, not cure their patients. The environmental pressures prescribe that hospitals are being expected to cure patients. However, this is highly unpractical because they cannot cure every single patient. The solution to this problem is decoupling. Hospitals give an impression that they cure their patients, and thus conform to the environmental pressures, but actually these hospitals treat their patients and do not cure all of them. In fact, hospitals only publish numbers on treated patients and not or seldom on cured patients (Meyer Rowan, 1977). Edelman (1992), regarding to the EEO/AA law example, also gives a solution to the efficiency problems. Organizations create formal structures in the form of offices, positions, rules and procedures within the organization. These formal structures are actually symbols of compliance. They give the impression that the organization conforms to the environmental pressures, but in fact the organization can hire or reject someone on illegitimate grounds (Edelman, 1992). When an organization does not have the resources or capability to conform to environmental pressures, it will attempt to preclude the necessity of conformity or to conceal nonconformity behind a faà §ade of acquiescence (Oliver, 1991). Oliver (1991) gives an example: when a construction firm is building a house and they are expecting a government inspection of the building site, they might display several activities that normally are not there. For instance, rules require two men to operate heavy machinery on building sites. However, a building firm might not have enough personnel to put two men on the job and thus normally only one man operates the machinery. When the building firm expects an inspection it will, for instance, relocate someone from another building site to the one that is being inspected. So when the inspectors come, the heavy machinery is operated by two men, while normally it is not. This way the organization (construction firm) conceals its nonconformity. A possible solution to the third problem, conflicting organizational or managerial interests, is already mentioned shortly in the previous paragraph. The example of the stock repurchase program (Westphal Zajac, 2001) shows that individual managers simply do not implement the whole program when their interests are in conflict with the plans. So in short, decoupling actually comes down to the following: give the environment the impression that the organization conforms to all expectations (environmental pressures), but when these pressures cause some sort of problem for the organization, actually follow the organizations own rules and routines. Conclusions Recommendations This chapter will formulate conclusions that are derived from the results and give some recommendations for further research on organizational decoupling. Conclusions
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Teaching Philosophy Statement Essays -- Education Teachers Essays
Teaching Philosophy Statement In the movie The Matrix, Morphis says to Neo â€Å"I can only show you the door, I can’t open it for you.†The door that Morphis is talking about is this incredible vast knowledge that is unknown to Neo. What better person to show, to teach, to inform Neo than his teacher, Morphis. You see, I see myself as Morphis, the teacher, whenever I step into a classroom. As I look across the room, there isn’t just one â€Å"Neo†, but there are thirty or forty Neos. This is an extreme job for someone that understands how hard it is to open that door. I have always heard throughout my life that the key to life is knowledge; the key to success is knowledge. These are two different subjects that can be touched upon. Knowledge is powerful, I do understand that; and it can also take you places. When kids are in high school, they don’t care about school; they care about what they look like and who their friends are. They care about other people’s opinion upon themselves, not what they think about themselves. This is what I know about the teenage years. It’s a vast change from having your mother buy your clothes, to worrying about whether or not you will be going to the prom. My subject area that I have chosen is English. English can be â€Å"cool,†it can be fun, it can be educational. English is a subject that can present that door to opportunity that the teenagers don’t know about. I am the person that can show the students that door. I want to be that teacher that they remember when they are 40 years old and wondering who brought them where they are today. I want them to say â€Å"Hey that was Mr. Neal that showed me how this was done, he inspired me to go to college and get a good job.†Now I understand that as an Engli... ... would have never believed that I would want to teach it. I wanted to teach science. Times changed my mind and I wanted to teach English. I know that as an English teacher, times in the classroom need to be fun, creative, and the repetition of a story would not fulfill the need to be expansive. I know that I am smart enough to create a work plan that is different each and every day of the school year. My intelligence isn’t what I pride myself in, but it’s the talent that was given to me, that situation that gives me a chance to meet new people and become a part of them. It’s that chance to show somebody that door that only they can open up, that chance to inspire them to open that door. I want to be an influence in somebody’s life, I want to be the teacher that made him or her learn, and see that it can be fun and that it just takes a little time. I am that teacher.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Changing Feelings Towards Peter and Andrea in Once in a House on Fire E
Changing Feelings Towards Peter and Andrea in Once in a House on Fire 'Once in a house on fire' by Andrea Ashworth At the beginning of the Novel, A freak accident robbed Andrea of a loving father at the age of five. Her mother Lorraine, widowed at just twenty-five years old, was distraught, not least because she was left alone to raise Andrea and her younger sister Lauren ( also known as Laurie). By the time Andrea was six, she had a new 'father'... When the reader first meets Peter, it is difficult to contrive a clear opinion of him. He seems to show that he wants to be the children's "new daddy" by "lugging home bulging sacks of misshapen Mojos for my sister and I" He also appears to have a good relationship with his wife but we soon realise this is not so. A Jekyll and Hyde character, he swings between loving husband and father and violent, terrifying bully. Andrea would watch as her "mother smiled through his kissing compliments" but these soon turned into "vicious shouting matches which half the street could hear." The reader immediately feels anger towards Peter for his unjustifiable behaviour towards his family. But if you look at the quote, it is clear that it is a "match" which generally consists of two people or groups competing for supremacy. This shows that although Peter started the shouting, Andreas mother also played a part. This makes the reader feel annoyed. This is because although we feel that she should defend herself, she is contributing to the argument and therefore making it worse. Another incident showing how Lorraine contributed to an argument is when Peter comes home she has "got the kids cooking behind his back." and he is angry because he feels "she is lazing on her arse... ...What Peter has done is completely unexpected and brings out the Jekyll and Hyde element of his character. But for once, what he has done is neither loving nor hating. This reaction completely perplexes the reader. What this shows is that even though Peter is everything the reader thought in the first place, he is not as predictable and does not fit the stereotype. However this does not make the reader begin to like him but pity him even more. What is eventually clear is that although we do not think he intended it, Peter subconsciously started to, if not completely break the cycle he himself started. This is where the feelings of the reader can be divided. On one hand It could said this was just chance and it was Andrea who eventually broke the cycle or, it could also be said that they both played equal parts and eventually even Peter had, had enough.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
SMOKE CITY: A STORY OF REDEMPTION :: essays research papers fc
INTRODUCTION The 21st century is an age of environmental awareness. We have commissions and agencies that measure our pollution in minutiae level parts per million. There is study after study of the affects of not only elemental health pollution, but also mental health pollution. Although there is no doubt of the importance of this era of hyper-awareness of this movement, it is a new phenomena in the spectrum of history. In the United States, a vanguard in environmental awareness has only seriously started legislating pollution controls for the protection of its citizens in the past thirty years. Many detractors, even today, feel that it is a loosing battle and that regulation of pollution control is indirect conflict with the industrial machine that is the backbone of the United States economy. However, there is one example of a region of this country that demonstrates not only the successful combination of environmental control and business, but this relationship was started forty years before the nations first pollution regulations were drafted to Congress. Pittsburgh’s story is one of suffering and redemption that no city, no community no region can claim to be more tragic and hopeful in its fight against pollution. A city founded in a river valley rich with resources; central access by water, rail and road; and integral to the key to the creation of a nation; Pittsburgh knew days when no vegetation grew from the soil and the sky was permanent midnight twenty four hours a day. That was life in the monikered â€Å"Smoke City†until citizens and businesses took fate into their own hands and cleaned themselves up. Their struggle endured hardship and death, but the residents of Pittsburgh found themselves after two hundred years of darkness living in one of the cleanest major cities in the country. HISTORY Before Europeans traveled the Monongahela to the confluence of the â€Å"Three Rivers†of the Allegheny, Monongahela and Ohio, Pittsburgh was a sparsely populated area even by the Native Americans. At best it was a rendezvous point for trade, claimed by no one due to the difficulty in traversing through large waterways and steep hills. For colonists, the trek over the Appalachian and Allegheny Mountains was enough to make the Pittsburgh region almost unreachable. On November 23, 1753, an officer of the Virginia Militiaâ€â€Major George Washingtonâ€â€sent to give warning to Britain’s enemy, the French forces, on the Ohio river a warning as a precursor to the French & Indian War- noted in his journal the confluence of the major rivers.
German Indian Partnership for IT Systems Essay
Very good morning to all of you and a warm greetings on behalf of Centre for infrastructure, Sustainable transportation and urban Planning (CiSTUP), Indian Institute of Science and National Academy of Science and Engineering Germany (ACATECH).. Today we have guests of honour Mr. Rolf Saligmann, German General Consul, Bangalore, Mr. Subir Hari Singh IAS, Addl. Chief Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka, Dr. Christian Aulbach, Science and Technology Counselor, German Embassy, Delhi, Dr. A. Ravindra IAS, Advisor to Chief Minister, Govt. of Karnataka. We also have on the dias Prof. Dr. Otthein Herzog, Executive Board member, National Academy of Science and Engineering, Germany who is the main brain behind this event. We also have Prof. B.N. Raghunandan, Divisional Chair, Earth and Environmental Sciences, IISc who will preside over the function. Warm welcome to other dignitaries off-the dias, Guests and Invitees, press and TV persons, my dear colleagues and students, Ladies and Gentlemen. A warm welcome to all of you from CiSTUP which is started in 2009 with a generous support from Govt of Karnataka in particular BMTC, KSRTC, BDA and NERTC. In about 2 years, we have started a masters programme in transportation and infrastructure engineering, carried out many research and consultancy projects for the Govt of Karnataka and others, organized many conferences, symposium, brain storming sessions and round table meetings to address issues related with our cities in particular urban issues. CiSTUP has grown into a full fledge centre having more than 50 scientists/researchers and students associated with the centre carrying out many important research projects which is of interest to our city, state and the country in the areas of infrastructure, transportation and urban planning. We are organizing a Symposium and a workshop as part of German Indian Partnership for IT Systems (GRIP IT) on the 19th (today) and 20th May (tomorrow) respectively, The symposium is on – ‘Smart Mobility and Energy Concepts for Megacities’. The GRIP IT Workshop on Smart cities is planned for 20th May 2011 at the Institute and it is restricted to selected and invited participation from industry and academicians. GRIP IT project is planned to act as a catalyst for future research and development collaborations between India and Germany by bringing together the German and Indian partners from the world of academics and industry and to provide a platform for networking. The focus of the initiatives are around the theme ‘Smart Cities’ – the various topics, technologies and the potential research and development potentials in and around the theme. The objective of the workshop is to further deepen our initiatives towards establishing a joint team of German and Indian research and industry partners to pursue high potential research topics of common interest to both countries and to explore possibilities of submitting joint proposals under the EU research framework programme. Towards the objective of identifying the right topics for a potential joint research initiative, we have initiated two studies – one on mobility and the other on energy. The results of the study would be presented at the workshop tomorrow to help focus on the right topics and to work on the next steps towards joint research proposals. It gives me great pleasure to welcome the dignitaries on the dias and off the dias to this Inaugural function of â€Å"Symposium on – ‘Smart Mobility and Energy Concepts for Megacities’. This is a joint initiative of CiSTUP and ACATECH, Germany. It is a great occasion for CiSTUP, IISc and ACATCEH to come together to start a joint collaborations in the area of smart cities. We would like to take this opportunity to express our hearty welcome, on my behalf and on our Institute’s behalf, to Honorable Consul General Rolf Saligmann for honoring our invitation to be the chief guest of this function and inaugurate the symposium. German Consular General is very supportive for such activities leading to large scale indo-german colloborations. We extend a warm welcome and present a bouquet of flowers to Mr. Rolf Saligmann, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany. We also welcome Mr. Subir Hari Singh IAS, Addl. Chief Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka and commissioner BMRDA, who is always supportive for such developmental initiatives and for accepting to grace this function and deliver his address. We present a bouquet of flowers to Mr. Subir Hari Singh. A warm welcome to Dr. Christian Aulbach, Science and Technology Counselor, German Embassy, Delhi, for this function. We present a bouquet of flowers to Dr. Christian Aulbach. A warm welcome to Dr. A. Ravindra IAS, Advisor to Chief Minister, Govt. of Karnataka, who is always supportive for such initiatives in CiSTUP and at the institute, we thank him for accepting to grace this function and deliver his address. We present a bouquet of flowers to welcome Dr. A. Ravindra. 2 Hearty welcome to Prof. B.N. Raghunandan for accepting our invitation to be with us today as a President of the function. We welcome him and present a bouquet of flowers to Prof. B.N. Raghunandan. We miss amongst us our beloved Director Prof.P. Balaram and Associate Director Prof. N. Balakrishnan, who are very supportive for such activities, who are unable to be here with us today due to other engagements. Hearty welcome to Prof. Dr. Otthein Herzog, Executive Board member, National Academy of Science and Engineering, Germany who has spent lot of time with me in coordinating this event. We extend hearty welcome and present a bouquet of flowers to Prof. Dr. Otthein Herzog. We have many distinguished professors, academicians and leading persons from germany and India. Also we have leading persons from R&D groups and Industry amongst us. Hearty welcome to all the speakers from Germany, India and also Officers of ACATECH and Dr. Ulrich Golgzback, Mr. mathew Joseph, Project manager at ACATECH. Special welcome to all the dignitaries off the dais and Invitees from the Govt of Karnataka, BMTC, BDA, KSRTC, DULT and Indian Institute of Science for taking the time off from their busy schedule to grace this function. We welcome press, TV persons, and officers of our institute, my colleagues from the centre and department, students and other invitees. Once again I extend hearty welcome to all of you for this inaugural function of the Symposium. ONCE AGAIN I EXTEND A WELCOME TO YOU ALL. Sitharam =========================== Prof. T.G. Sitharam, Ph.D.(Canada), FIGS, FIE; Chairman, Centre for infrastructure Sustainable Transportation and Urban Planning (CiSTUP) and PROFESSOR Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore – 560012, INDIA Tel.No.+91-80-23602261 / 22932919 ; Fax no. 080 – 2360 2261 (phone/fax) / FAX no. 0802360 0404 (dept) email: (preferred) / web URL: ; mobile: 9448273751
Monday, September 16, 2019
Global Climate Change and Climate Protection
From September 6 to 10, 1997, the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) held a Cities for Climate Protection (CCP) Campaign – U.S. workshop in Atlanta, sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, The City of Atlanta, The Climate Institute, and The Turner Foundation. ICLEI is the international environmental agency for local governments. It believes from concrete experience that local actions can have a global impact. ICLEI was established in 1990 through a partnership of the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Union of Local Authorities (IULA), and the Center for Innovative Diplomacy. ICLEI's World Secretariat is in Toronto. ICLEI also has offices in Freiburg, Tokyo, Harare, Santiago, and Berkeley. ICLEI's purpose and mission are to: 1) serve as an international clearinghouse on sustainable development and environmental protection policies, programs, and techniques being implemented at the local level by local institutions; 2) initiate joint projects or campaigns among groups of local governments to research and develop new approaches to address pressing environmental and development problems; 3) organize training programs and publish reports and technical manuals on state of the art environmental management practices; and 4) serve as an advocate for local government before national and international governments, agencies, and organizations to increase their understanding and support of local environmental protection and sustainable development activities. By ICLEI's 10th anniversary in the year 2000, ICLEI aims to establish a global system to achieve, measure, and report on tangible improvements in the global environment through the cumulative local performance improvements of ICLEI's member municipalities. ICLEI members include more than 265 local governments of all sizes from around the world from 50 countries, all of whom share a common purpose: to take a leadership role in identifying and implementing innovative environmental management practices at the local level. ICLEI's CCP campaign started in 1990 and consists of about 200 cities from Abu Dhabi to West Hollywood. The cities that sign on to the CCP campaign commit to: 1) estimate their 1990 carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent (CO2e) emissions, 2) develop a CCP plan to reduce their CO2e emissions by 20 percent of their 1990 emissions by the year 2020, 3) demonstrate progress towards reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, and 4) update and implement their plan. Others are becoming involved in the CCP campaign. On September 19, 1997, Ted Turner of Turner Communications announced he would contribute $1,000,000,000 to the United Nations to address the issue of global climate change. On October 6, 1997, President Clinton held a White House Summit on Global Warming to help develop U.S. policy for the planning meetings in Bonn on October 20, 1997, and for the International Meeting on Global Climate Change to be held in Kyoto in December, 1997. Climate change is now recognized as a serious global issue by thousands of environmental professionals, atmospheric scientists, government officials, medical doctors, and health and property insurance companies. Climate change is serious because its adverse human health and physical effects, if unabated, will have vast and undesirable social, economic and political impacts. Ross Gelspan, prize-winning author of The Heat Is On: The High Stakes Battle Over Earth's Threatened Climate (1997. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., New York) was the featured dinner speaker at the CCP workshop. Cause and Effects of Industrialized Climate Change Because of industrialization, the earth's surface and atmosphere is heating up to our peril as a species. The key issues in global climate change are expanding industrialization which burns carbon fuels in power plants and internal combustion vehicle engines to generate greenhouse gases beyond the capacity of the oceans and the biosphere to absorb the excess gases. These excess gases capture heat from the sun and cause global warming, increase air pollution, induce glacial and iceberg melting, sea level rising, unstable and more extreme and long-lived weather conditions, and shifting, prolonging and intensifying floods, droughts, hurricanes and El Nià ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½o episodes. These effects lead to increases in respiratory diseases, habitat alterations, destruction of forests and wetlands, agricultural shifts, coastal erosion and flooding, societal dislocations and unrest, and perhaps, the demise of democracy as governments become more authoritarian to combat the emergencies induced by climate change. What lies ahead if the developed world cannot reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and the developing world seeks to industrialize and increase its greenhouse gas emissions? Greenhouse Gases, Their Properties, Sources and Emission Rates The major greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), halocarbon and related compounds (fluorocarbons CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113; hydrocholorofluorocarbons HCFC-22; hydrofluorocarbons HFCs; perfluorocarbons PFCs; and sulfur hexafluoride SF6), and the criteria pollutants  carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and non-CH4 volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) [U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration (EIA). October 1997. Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States 1996 DOE/EIADOE/EIA-0573 (96). Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting, Department of Energy, Washington, District of Columbia or]. CO2 has a carbon equivalency of 0.273, CH4 has a higher carbon equivalency of 5.73, and N2O has an even higher carbon equivalency of 83.2. This means that CH4 has about 21 times the warming effect of CO2 and N2O has about 305 times the warming effect of CO2. SF6 has a very h igh global warming potential (GWP) of 23,900 times the effects of CO2. The currently estimated 1996 U.S. total greenhouse gas emissions are about 1,753 metric tons of carbon or carbon equivalent, or an increase of 8.3 percent over 1990 (EIA 1997). About 98.5 percent of U.S. human-made or anthropogenic CO2 emissions are caused by the combustion of fossil fuels to provide energy; U.S. anthropogenic CH4 emissions are due primarily to production and transportation of coal, natural gas and oil; anaerobic decomposition of municipal waste in landfills and raising livestock. N2O emissions are primarily from agricultural soils associated with fertilizer use, industrial process emissions, and emissions from fossil fuel combustion. Carbon dioxide. CO2 emissions are by far the largest percentage of greenhouse gas. Caused primarily by the combustion of fossil fuels to provide energy from energy plants and internal combustion engines, anthropogenic CO2 emissions are also produced by forest, agricultural, and other fires. At 1,496 metric tons of carbon or carbon equivalent, about 85.3 percent of the currently estimated 1996 U.S. greenhouse gas emissions are as CO2, based on GWP, or an increase of 8.8 percent over 1990 (EIA 1997). Methane. CH4 emissions are dwarfed by CO2 emissions (a ratio of 1 ton of CH4 for every 175 tons of CO2). Because the heat-trapping capacity of CH4 is about 21 times that of CO2, the overall effect of CH4 on global climate is significant. There is, however, substantial uncertainty in estimates of emissions from most U.S. CH4 sources, ranging from 25 percent to as high as several hundred percent. CH4 emission trends from each source tend to be more reliable than their overall estimated magnitude. At 177 metric tons of carbon or carbon equivalent, about 10.0 percent of the currently estimated 1996 U.S. greenhouse gas emissions are as CH4, based on GWP, or a decrease of 2.2 percent over 1990. Nitrous oxide. Compared to CO2 or CH4, N2O is released in small quantities from anthropogenic sources; however, N2O's 100 – year global warming potential (GWP) of 305 makes it a significant contributor to atmospheric warming. Although there are many known natural and anthropogenic sources, N2O emissions have been difficult to quantify on a global scale because it has been one of the least-studied greenhouse gases. The largest source of anthropogenic N2O emissions is energy use, which includes mobile source combustion from passenger cars, buses, motorcycles, and trucks, and stationary source combustion from residential, industrial, and electric utility energy use. The second-largest source of N2O emissions is agriculture, primarily fertilizer application and a small amount released from the burning of crop residues. However, there is substantial uncertainty and debate regarding the emissions implications of use of N-based fertilizers. Models used for estimation are based on limited sources of experimental data. Another important source of N2O emissions is industrial production of adipic acid and nitric acid. At 38 metric tons of carbon or carbon equivalent, about 2.2 percent of the currently estimated 1996 U.S. greenhouse gas emissions are as N2O, based on GWP, or no net change over 1990. Halocarbon and Related Compounds. CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs, PFCs and other compounds that act as greenhouse gases are emitted from their use as refrigerants in cooling equipment, as solvents, or as blowing agents, or from fugitive emissions from industrial processes; these halocarbon compounds are being phased out under pollution prevention measures because they damage the stratospheric ozone layer. The best known class of synthetic greenhouse chemicals are the CFCs, particularly CFC-12 (trade name Freon -12). CFCs have many desirable features: they are relatively simple to manufacture, inert, nontoxic, and nonflammable. Because CFCs are chemically stable, they remain in the atmosphere for hundreds or thousands of years. These synthetic molecules absorb reflected infrared radiation at wavelengths that would otherwise be largely unabsorbed, and they are potent greenhouse gases, with a direct radiative forcing effect hundreds or thousands of times greater than that of CO2. Though molecule for molecule, CFCs absorb many hundreds of times more infrared radiation than carbon dioxide, their net warming effect is reduced because of their effect on ozone. Ozone (O3), beneficial in the stratosphere for its ability to absorb harmful ultraviolet radiation, is also a potent greenhouse gas. While the direct effect of CFCs is a warming potential far greater than that of CO2, their indirect effect on ozone reduces their net radiative forcing effects by half. SF6 is used as an insulator for circuit breakers switchgear and other electrical equipment; it also occurs as a fugitive emission from certain semiconductor manufacturing processes. At 42 metric tons of carbon or carbon equivalent, about 2.4 percent of the curr ently estimated 1996 U.S. greenhouse gas emissions are as HFCs, PFCs and SF6, based on GWP, or an increase of 68 percent over 1990. Criteria Pollutants. CO, NOx, and NMVOCs are reactive gases, which usually decay quickly in the atmosphere. Most CO emissions result from incomplete oxidation during combustion of fuels used for transportation. NOx emissions are related to air-fuel mixes and combustion temperatures during the burning of fuels evenly split between transportation and stationary sources. NMVOCs are a main component in the chemical and physical atmospheric reactions that form ozone and other photochemical oxidants. About half of the NMVOC emissions come from solvent-related industrial processes and most of the remaining emissions are from combustion of transportation fuels. Climate Protection Strategies The remedial strategies all have unintended consequences. These strategies are 1) greenhouse gas source reduction (Gelspan, 1997; ICLEI, September 1997, web page at; 2) ocean modification to absorb more greenhouse gases (Joos, F., J.L. Sarmiento and U. Siegenthaler. 1991. Estimates of the effect of Southern Ocean iron fertilization on atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Nature, Vol. 349, No. 6312, p. 772-774); and 3) forest, wetland, and agricultural practices to sequester more gaseous CO2 (Hodges, Carl N., T. Lewis Thompson, James L. Riley and Edward P. Glenn. November 1993. Reversing the Flow: Water and Nutrients from the Sea to the Land. Ambio, A Journal of the Human Environment, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Vol. 22, No. 7, p. 483-496). The most likely success strategy is greenhouse gas source reduction. Greenhouse gas source reduction activities include: à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Replace greenhouse gas generating activities such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas burning power plants with non-CO2 emitting power plants like nuclear, solar, wind, wave, hydraulic, and geothermal. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Reduce the amount of paper and other carbon-rich discards that go to landfills, which generate CH4 by source reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting and/or mulching of organic discards. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Control industrial plant greenhouse gas emissions. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Prevent and control forest and agricultural fires that generate CO2. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Replace internal combustion vehicle, tools, and power sources with electrical, compressed natural gas , and hydrogen sources. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Recover greenhouse gases, such as from landfills, for reuse and treatment prior to release to the atmosphere. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Improve the greenhouse gas sequestering mechanisms of the vegetative cover by restoring and enhancing landscape trees, forests, wetlands, gardens, and agricultural practices. Do we have a reason to be optimistic? We have reason to be cautiously optimistic about climate protection. Human history is full of examples where we learned from our mistakes, misfortunes, or undesirable trends. The agricultural revolution of the 18th century, the discovery of bacteria in the 19th, and the invention of vaccines in the 20th are some of the examples of what humanity can achieve when challenged with a seemingly unsolvable problem. True, we must overcome several hurdles, the resistance of political and profit-centered structures which have short-term benefits in an economy based on carbon fuels. But these barriers can be overcome in the 21st century through education and promotion, successful cases, and the inherently superior economics of a sustainable and renewable energy and resource based society. We will need political leadership at all levels to make it happen.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Nickel And Dimed Essay
You must create a dialectical journal with fifteen (15) entries. I want five (5) entries for each section. I expect a thorough analysis of the devices/strategies identified in the text. Points: 90 Part II Create a monthly budget for a single parent with one child household living in the DMV area making minimum wage. You are to research the necessary information. You must include the current minimum wage, living accommodations, child care, grocery, transportation, and any luxuries (jewelry, dinners at restaurants, a night on the town, etc.). I expect you to find an actual place to live and include their rental rates. If your expenditures exceed your income, you must compute what it would cost for only necessities and calculate the minimum amount of money you must earn to meet those needs. Your research information may be submitted in chart or graph form. You must cite your sources using APA style!! Points: 40 Part III Choose one of the following prompts to write an effective 2 full page double spaced 12†font AP level essay. 1. In â€Å"Evaluation,†the final chapter of Nickel and Dimed, Ehrenreich observes: Some odd optical property of our highly polarized and unequal society makes the poor almost invisible to their economic superiors. The poor can see the affluent easily enough-on television, for example, or on the covers of magazines. But the affluent rarely see the poor or, if they do catch sight of them in some public space, rarely know what they’re seeing, since-thanks to consignment stores and, yes, Wal-Mart- the poor are usually able to disguise themselves as members of the more comfortable classes.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Philadelphia family Essay
Born in 1856 into a wealthy Philadelphia family, Taylor disappointed his parents by working in a metal products factory, first as a machinist and next as a foreman. Shocked at the factory’s inefficiency, and the practice of its skilled workers of purposely working slowly. As an engineer he was more interested in the practical outcome and not the psychology Taylor proposed solutions that he believed would solve both problems. By studying the time it took each worker to complete a step, and by rearranging equipment, Taylor believed he could discover what an average worker could produce in optimum conditions. The promise of higher wages, he figured, would create added incentive for workers to exceed this â€Å"average†level. Taylor’s time-and-motion studies offered a path away from the industrial wars of a century ago. Now what was needed was a way to apportion the wealth created by manufacturing enterprises. Taylor’s answer sidestepped the class struggle and interest group politics. He believed his principles would create a partnership between manager and worker, based on an understanding of how jobs should be done and how workers are motivated. These workers are motivated by money. He believed a fairs day work deserved a fair day bonus. He thought keeping his workforce happy would keep them producing at a high quality. He died in 1915, whilst on a speaking tour in the mid west he contracted influenza, he was admitted to hospital and celebrated his 59th birthday there and died the next day. Taylor’s second and third theory is used in the McDonalds. The McDonalds ethos is that the food preparation must be done to specific instructions. For instance the fries must be cooked for a 3 minutes at a temperature of 175o, then the buzzer tells the employee to take them out and salt them. Throughout all McDonalds are a series of dedicated, purpose-built machine for producing milkshakes, toasting buns and squirting chocolate sauce and much else. After 150 years this is the most active period working in industry, F W Taylor would feel very much at home ordering a Big Mac. The biggest person that Taylor’s theory’s influenced was Henry Ford. Henry Ford was the first person to try mass production and it was a massive success. Taylor’s practices were first used in 1911 in the factory; by 1913 Ford had introduced a conveyor belt system and had achieved the ultimate Taylorite idea. This method was also used in Nazi death camps. They did not plan whom they would kill until the day they did it. Both Mussolini and Stalin both used his techniques during their communist uprisings. Taylor also wrote many books of these the most famous is ‘The Principles of Scientific Management’ he wrote this in 1911. He split the book into two chapters the first ‘the fundamentals of scientific management†and the second â€Å"The principles of scientific management†. In the first chapter he stated that the principal object of management should be to secure the maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with the maximum prosperity for each employee. In the second chapter he stated that people should be told what to do and how they do it. They should be motivated by a money incentive. Before Taylor, skilled workers chose their own methods of work, but after Taylor workers were far more likely to have limited, repetitive tasks and were forced to work at a pace set by their manager. To maximise efforts of workers Taylor introduced an incentive system known as a differential piece-rate. This offered a meagre payment per unit produced. 2p per unit for the first 500 per day 5p per unit all those above 500 per day The threshold was set a t a level which those producing barely 500 received barely a living wage. To make 700 was a great incentive, as you would earn double what you would at the 500 mark. But the workers in many places resented this theory that the theory was abandoned soon after introduction. Problems with Taylor’s methods With Taylor’s notion of a ‘quickest and best way’ for all workers does not take into account individual differences. There is no guarantee that the ‘best way’ will suit everyone. Also some people naturally will be able to work faster than others creating a disadvantage for those he is not so fast. Taylor also viewed people as machines, with financial needs, than as humans in a social setting. People felt pressured and did not like being treated this way. He also overlooked the fact that some people work for other reasons than money. In a financial survey in 1982, a large sample of British people were asked whether they would carry on working if they financially did no need to. Nearly 70% of men and 655 of women said they would. Taylor’s Core values The rule of reason, improved quality, lower costs, higher wages, higher output, labour management, co-operation, experimentation, clear tasks and goals, feedback, training, stress reduction and the careful selection and development of people. He was the first to present a systemic study of interaction an d job requirements, tools, methods and human skills, to fit people into jobs both psychologically and physically, and to let data and facts do the talking rather than prejudice, opinions or egomania.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Writing Assignment #2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Writing #2 - Assignment Example The judgment in one country has to be recognized in the other. Italy for example in this case would have to recognize rulings from the court in the United States. This is because the court agreed upon and documented cannot be refuted unless there are grounds to show that it was not valid or lawful in either two states. The solving of disputes having been rendered to a particular state and court in writing shows that the other must recognize their rulings, foreign or not. A court may refuse to recognize or enforce a judgment if the agreement does not fall under the state of law of the country. This would mean that it is null and void. It would also be the case if the judgment was obtained through fraud. It would also be refuted if the defendant was not informed prior in order to create defense. If the judgment is not consistent with other rulings concerning the same parties, then it is refutable. Nielsen, Peter A. "Exclusive Choice of Court Agreements and Parallel Proceedings." A Commitment to Private International Law: Essays in Honour of Hans Van Loon: MeÌ langes En Lhonneur De Hans Van Loon. (2013):
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Japans High Speed Growth Model and Extent Vietnam Followed the Model Essay
Japans High Speed Growth Model and Extent Vietnam Followed the Model - Essay Example To understand the high-speed growth, of Japan, which took place after the war was over, we should first understand its development and history of Japan during 18th and 19th century. During this time Japan relied on agricultural technology which it developed. the then government of the Meiji took some modernized measures which propelled the economy of Japan later in the 19th and early part of 20th century and by the year 1945 Japan was considered one of the most powerful nations both economically and militarily, and this led to the basic foundation structure of the post-war high speed growth. Comparing Japan and Vietnam would not be a correct approach but we can say that Japan‘s high speed growth model has effected the economic situation of the Vietnam in a major way. Both following the assumptions of Solow Model and both overturning their economies after their economies was shattered by wars only confirms the fact that Vietnam has learnt some important methods and steps to improve their economic situation from the high speed growth model. The whole issue is bolstered by the fact that if we look at the present situation Vietnam grew at a rate of 7.5 percent per year from the period of 1995-2004 and this is recorded as faster growth next only to the Asian superpower china. This was the time of crisis in that region with Soviet Union collapse but Vietnam only improved further with its foreign investment equal to 8 per cent of its GDP which is higher than china. All this suggests only one aspect that the revolution of renovating economy which it was inspired from the h igh speed growth model of Japan has only improved the situation of Vietnam and its economic structure.
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